So for real like more than one hundred
More than capable good for having fun with
These days are mixed with mostly up swinging
Look forward anticipating thanks being given
The scales of divine justice are teeter and tottering
Ebbing and flowing wavular see aye ‘aughta sing
Can’t have it all humble pie remnants crumbled bits
Discipline honing the art of keeping about them one’s wits
It seems there’s this balance we all sorta dance
Knights joust it’s the shield stopping the combatant’s sharp lance
The trick is remembering what tools we posses
How easily we forget when under duress
There is peace in the knowing this’s too shall pass
Especially when the universe is kicking your ass
It’s all temporary, these emotions are fickle
When we fester all up in it we begin to pickle
Stagnation in a feel is a waste of sweet time
It’s a burglar of the moment, a victim-full crime
What I’m trying to say in a roundabout way
Is if I cut my life open splayed out on display
I’d see this organism of intricacies with systems in concert
Cogs, gears of war, causing pleasure, others hurt
The machinery of experiences keep the lifetime alive
We need every single one if the whole’s to survive
So I’m taking the good and taking the bad
Taking them both and in that I have
The facts of life.
The facts of life.