Wednesday, September 21, 2011

fuck you all

where do those sweet moments go? at what point did they all go away from me? i remember when i used to be able to feel. I used to be able to escape from the real and traverse into the not yet and be happy with what was meeting me there. no more. i cannot seem to have any hope. there is no unwritten. it is all a fucking pile of shit. i used to think that the best was yet to come now i think that i wasted that already. there is no such thing as happy in the future. hardship a plenty. whats a man to do with that knowledge. if i wasn't afraid of going to hell i would just hang myself for everyone to see. i would do it when everyone was sleeping so when they woke up their day would be just as ruined as my lifetime seems to be. fuck this world. fuck you all. i hate you. don't bother me. forget me. fuck you. fuck you. fuck you all. get the fuck away from me. leave me the fuck alone. i fucking hate you all. seriously. you ruined me.

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