Tuesday, November 29, 2011


those damn noises
their footsteps
their mindless laughter
who cares what they are talking about
dont they understand
that below them is a poor
foot sore girl
who works too hard
gets kicked from inside
too hard
to have patience for their foolishness
no doubt they dont care
their alcoholic
their dumbing down
their zombifying
their reality numbing
is too important to them
to give a shit
yet i am witness
to a poor girl tormented
by pounds from above
that disturb her much needed slumber
she works too hard
she tries too hard
she strives too hard
to make rent for this her space
to have it selfishly invaded
night after sleepless night
by some dumbed down
worthless pricks
who are wasting away their futures
wasting away their hard earned
for some cheap high
that will get them nothing
less than nothing

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