Thursday, March 3, 2011


all is not as negative as you paint it me thinks my dear. your brother in law facebooked me about the guard today..... seems as though he has faith in us... i love you and no matter what i swear i will make you AND YOUR FAMILY proud of me. FOR YOU. you inspire me and move me in ways no other human being has the capacity to. I am so in love with you. i dont know what to do. whatever you want me to is alright with me. ill be with you, good or bad, happy or sad. you are the glad maker. my wife say i was a baker. thank our maker. His love for us has the capacity of a trillion oil tankers. within his light making stores is the fuel for a perfect world. we can be like liberty. lighting ways for all to see. torching with kind love channeled by GOD the scorched earth policy of this rampant hypocrisy

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