Wednesday, February 9, 2011

accept that we are never neglected

IGNORE- ance: the root of most misunderstandings. elect this: only listen and be receptive and you too will be accepted stead of -NEGLECT-ed. education. POSITIVE-ity is the only PROGRESS-ive philosophy, no matter how ity bitty it be. it tends to be tended to. like flocks we drink from the loch. through our reflections we see our sheepish selves. black or white? ying and yang. hunch back. norte. dame. a little parable. off the shelves. truth is given freely but sells. monte cristo cells. break out. Christ seller. open cellar. the door is open. straight the route. climb on out. take not. give out. lend hand and ear. fear is the mind killer steer your ship clear. controll your. own yourself. i've learned now, see how, bough broken now i soak in God on high. tho i be-LOW. Lulleby. Quietly. Wis. per easternly wind he whisper to me. Wisked me. this was bliss for me. Lull'd he by me and i for he. always was. always will be. showed. miercoles. Miracle. mirror'o actuali'. act your will. own what is yours. grown. not owed. not bought any. LOVE is given most freely, today he spoke to me sow i see'd the light and the might of those things not a sight to see but a way to be. see? asi/asi.

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