Thursday, February 3, 2011

New World Order

unrest cant sleep
egypt has failed
this new generation
bonded by the net
technological world
now we get details
twitter facebook email iphone
bouncing back from darkage ozone
bouncing signals the people speak
how to mask what they really think
how when have we now this link
there is no hiding there is no fear
communication has appeared
the people always are the same
want whats good and right for shame
this sham has gone on long enough
the tide is rising the seas are rough
Arabs Muslims and christian souls
Jews and Hindus tribal olds
are mortal all and pay our tolls
to the same divine force
translated differently
understood removed
each hold credit
our fortunes pooled
a dialogue
one grand song
we monophthongs lets diphthong
try athelon
a monocathelon
ideathon tele
prompted tronic
lests us not
forget of phonics
not moronic
this audacity
ceases to be chronic
isn't it a little too ironic?

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